The beggining of my RepRap saga…

I’ve been looking into the RepRap project for a while now and have finally decided to build one myself! πŸ˜€ This is the start of the gathering of materials and some experimentation with double sided PCB’s…

The Prusa is the design I will be following and I decided on the Sanguinololu electronics package, since I had the resources to -attempt- the construction of the double sided board

Started by printing the board designs onto mylar and lining them up on the light box.


Exposure and etching…


looking good! and finally got both sides lined up on my second try πŸ˜€



At this point I decided to play with something else new, UV curable solder mask.. it was quite a complicated process, and I would recommend this thread if you want more info.. but for my first time I think this came out alright! 8) -side note, I found about 10min under moderate UV light was enough to set the ink, might save you some experimentation πŸ™‚

Boards cut and started drilling.. Just received the 0.35mm drill to do this via’s as-well.. how I’m going to solder parts like the header pins and IC socket without through-hole plating I do not know… but that’s a problem for later πŸ˜›

Also decided that the hot-end was quite a crucial component, so I ordered a J-head V4 from



More to come over the next few months, stay tuned! πŸ˜€

RepRap Update 1



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6 responses to “The beggining of my RepRap saga…”

  1. Matthew Avatar

    Where did you get the design for this board. I can’t find one online?


    1. admin Avatar

      Hey there Matthew! If you have a dig around on here you can find all the board files etc πŸ™‚

  2. trenton Avatar


    Where did you get the uv solder mark ink please?


    1. Rambo Avatar

      From eBay, there are many types on there πŸ™‚

  3. Alex Avatar

    Hello, what type of foil did you use? i have the same uv ink but it sticks like hell on everything.

    1. Rambo Avatar

      Hi Alex,
      Unfortunately I’m not sure what foil it is. I had the same problem with it sticking to everything and I had some success with those thin clear magazine covers from the shops. But the stuff I ended up using was actually the protective film from photosensitive PCB coating πŸ™‚

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